In this episode, we did a quick recap of the April 13th drone and missile attack launched by Iran against Israel. We then went into Israel's retaliation against the attack as well as the protests against Israel we've been seeing on college campuses across the US. We focus on antisemitism, God's future for the Jews, and discuss how we can support the Jewish people amidst events such as these.
In this episode, we focused on antisemitism and Israel's importance, young people leaving Christianity, the millennium, and we went over 10 reasons why we should study bible prophecy.
In this episode, we focused primarily on the war between Israel and Hamas. We also used the opportunity to ask if what we're witnessing is the Ezekiel 38 war and the varying views of Psalm 83 in light of these current events.
In this episode we will focus on the warning Jesus gave Ephesus. We will examine why Jesus needs to be our foundation guided by the Holy Spirit through the truth of God's word. Through the warning Jesus gave the church of Ephesus, we can understand how the church is to live up to its role of being a light in the darkness. It needs to be a burning lamp, never hiding the truth, or it will be removed by Jesus Himself.
In this episode, we talked about the growing relationship between Israel and Saudi Arabia in relation to the Abraham Accords, growing surveillance and control from large companies, and we also answered viewer questions such as what tips we would give to share the gospel with others.
In this episode, we start out by discussing the significance of understanding Bible prophecy and its relevance in our time. We then covered topics such as potential Saudi-Israeli normalization, Worldcoin's project for universal basic income, advancements in CBDC and AI technology, and we quickly touched on the latest news surrounding UFOs.
In this episode we finally begin working through our timeline of events starting with the rapture of the church, the judgment seat of Christ (also known as Bema judgment), and the gap of time between the rapture and the tribulation.
In this episode we finally begin working through our timeline of events starting with the rapture of the church, the judgment seat of Christ (also known as Bema judgment), and the gap of time between the rapture and the tribulation.
On this episode we interviewed Mary at Dwell.Truth on Instagram. We took time to ask her about her testimony, the meaning of her Instagram handle "Dwell.Truth", what sparked her interest in bible prophecy, what she's looking forward to in terms of prophetic events and much more.
Tune in to learn more about this sister in Christ who's on fire for the Lord and fervently using social media as a tool to share the gospel and inform others about the times we're living in.